
White Rose Maths

Our children are enjoying using White Rose Maths in class and we are pleased to tell you that an app has been released which comes highly recommended. 

It consists of one minute challenges and games which can be used to support your child's maths development.

Please follow the link below to download the app.


Useful Websites


Please read for at least 15 minutes every day with your parent or carer, you can read books of your choice alongside your home reading book. Ask your parent or carer to sign your reading record so that you can get your books changed each week and continue working towards your reading challenge reward! 

Please bring your book in every day so we can read with you during reading time.


Every week, you will have a mixture of spellings, some that follow a rule that will be focused on that week and some from the statutory year 3 and year 4 common exception words. Copy the words out into your book to help learn them and practise writing them in a sentence to check that you understand their meaning. Make a rhyme or use post it notes in your room/ house to help you memorise your spellings!

You will be tested on spellings every Friday. 

Times tables

Each week we will focus on a different times table so please use our homework overview to let you know which ones to practise. You have been given a homework book so please copy them into there. You can make flashcards, draw pictures/ arrays to help you learn them. 

Please use TT Rockstars and especially the 'Soundcheck' and 'Garage' challenge which are timed challenges - speed is key! 

You will be tested on times tables every week.

Files to Download