Subject Leader - Mrs Howarth
Physical Education contributes to the overall education of all children by helping them to lead full and valuable lives through engaging in purposeful and high-quality activity. It promotes active and healthy lifestyles, physical skills, physical development and knowledge of the body in action. PE enables children to learn confidence, perseverance, team spirit, positive competitiveness and organisation.
At St Mary’s and St Benedict’s we believe children must engage in a programme of PE that encourages fitness and improves their strength. PE is an integral part of school practices allowing all children in the school to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.
At our school we seek to provide a high-quality PE curriculum for all pupils which aims to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum which challenges, engages and excites staff and pupils alike. We see Physical Education as a vital part of the education experience as a whole.
Our values are embedded within the delivery of PE lessons and in being physically active as a way of life; the opportunities for our pupils at St Mary’s and St Benedict’s promote a positive attitude towards healthy and active lifestyles. Healthy competition in and out of school is encouraged as well as highlighting the importance of team building and forging social bonds. We strive to include all children of differing abilities in PE and provision is made for SEND children in the school.
The aims of our curriculum for physical education ensure that all pupils:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- Are physically active for sustained periods of time.
- Engage in competitive sports and activities.
- Lead healthy, active lives.
How we deliver the PE curriculum
All pupils are taught fundamental skills such as throwing, catching, balance, co-ordination and jumping in each topic and are then linked to a sport. They have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding on the rules and tactics involved in each game.
In Reception, our children are working on their fine and gross motor skills and improve core development, so our PE lessons focus on these skills. We challenge children to think independently and work with a partner to develop their communication skills.
Our Key Stage 1 P.E. Curriculum focusses on developing the fundamental movement skills. We encourage children to work independently, with a partner and within a small group to develop teamwork and tactical skills.
In Key Stage 2, the curriculum is structured so that children participate in a range of activities including gymnastics, athletics, dance, games (striking and fielding, invasion, net and wall) and Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. In Key Stage 2 we introduce competitive games and activities to help build self-esteem. Children will learn what it is like to be part of a team, how to work together and how to win/lose in the correct manner. Swimming is also taught by swimming teachers at Chorley All Seasons Leisure Centre for children in Year 4.
Extra Curricular Activities
We are continually striving to enhance our PE provision and widen the opportunities available to all pupils. We offer a variety of after school clubs, for all ages and abilities and compete in a number of inter-school leagues and competitions throughout the year. Our children really enjoy participating in sports such as Netball, Cricket, Football and Cross Country Running. The children are also given opportunities to develop these skills during lunchtime sessions.
We are fortunate to have extensive outdoor space to accommodate our PE curriculum and Extra Curricular activities, including football fields, a cricket pitch and two playgrounds to accommodate Netball and Basketball.
Pro Skills Sport Coaches
We follow the Lancashire Scheme of Work units for PE and enhance our teaching with outside specialist coaches including Pro Skills Sports Development through the use of our allocated PE and Sport premium funding.
Chris and Marcus, our regular coaches come into school throughout the year to deliver lessons to our pupils from Reception to Year 6. They deliver lunchtime and after school clubs as well as PE lessons throughout the day to help teachers gain an in depth understanding of the PE curriculum and improve their CPD. The children really enjoy participating in these lessons, which include sports such as Hockey, Netball, Cricket, Football, Multi sports (Reception) and Tots on Tyres (Reception).
South Ribble Competitions
We are also part of the wider South Ribble Sports Partnership and take part in inter-school competitions and competitive leagues with other schools from the area. This allows the children to take part in competitive activities and practice applying the skills they have learnt in school. We also have a big focus on the character traits of successful sportspeople and use these opportunities to reinforce the importance of team work, respect and resilience.
Daily Mile
We are very lucky to have a running track on our sports field that children have access to every day. We encourage children to walk or run 7 laps of our track to achieve their ‘Daily Mile’. Since installing our track, the children have loved challenging themselves and we feel it has improved children’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Additional opportunities:
- In the Summer term, our Year 6 classes attend the Anderton Outdoor Education Centre to participate in a range of outdoor and adventurous activities, such as abseiling, canoeing, archery and fencing. This is an excellent opportunity for children to develop their teamwork skills and enhance their confidence and self-esteem.
- Bikeability fix and Bikeability course for Year 5 pupils.
- Tots on Tyres sessions for our Reception classes who progress to using balance bikes without stabilisers.
- Scootsafe for our Year 3 & 4 children who take part in a scooter safety afternoon, learn how to use a scooter, make repairs on it and travel safely in public.
- School also have "PASTA" club. This is a club for both parents and children. The club is an opportunity for parents and children to cook together in school with direction from trained professionals - making dinner time both fun and healthy! The children will then take part in a organised game/sports activity outside whilst parents discuss healthy lifestyles in the home and share tips/issues to help promote this.
SEND Pupils
For further information on how we cater for the needs of SEND pupils, please visit our SEND page and refer to our SEND policy.
P.E with Joe
Work out with Joe Wicks daily!
Lancashire School games - Stay in Work Out
Youth Sports Trust - 60 second physical activity challenges
Useful websites
Here are some useful websites you can access with your child. Just click on the image to access them: