Online Safety
The Headteacher and Governing Body of St Mary's & St Benedict's RC Primary School take their responsibilities for safeguarding pupils very seriously. We have a duty of care for child protection and we also strive to help parents to keep their own children safe and free from exploitation . This responsibility is set out in our Safeguarding Children Policy which can be found on the policy page. The current Online Safety Policy is available here.
Online Safety In School
We know that Computing can be a very exciting subject, yet at the same time we recognise that the use of these technologies can put young people at risk in and outside of the school. An ‘Acceptable Use Agreement’ has therefore been created to protect all parties. Parents, staff and children are expected to sign the agreements each year.
Two agreements have been created to support the needs of all children in our school.(EYFS/KS1 and KS2). Both agreements highlight the dangers of the internet in an age appropriate way. They are included, as appendices, within the Online Safety Policy here... (pages 53-55 for KS2 and page 56 for KS1)
As a school, we highlight a process for responsible ICT use, which is followed by staff and children alike.
Online Safety At Home
To help and support our school online safety principles, please encourage your child to follow our safe internet rules at home. Here are some conversation starter ideas from
- Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing online.
- Ask them about how they stay safe online. What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?
- Ask them if they know where to go for help, where to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use.
- Encourage them to help. Perhaps they can show you how to do something better online or they might have a friend who would benefit from their help and support.
- Think about how you use the internet as a family. What could you do to get more out of the internet together and further enjoy your lives online?
Online Safety - Parents Protect
Children regularly use different websites and apps from their parents, and it can be hard to keep up in this ever-changing digital world.
Talk to your child about what they think is normal online and what behaviour to expect from others and from themselves.
Online Safety and Anti-Bullying
Cyberbullying is bullying or intimidation which is carried out using electronic devices. BullyingUK define it as ‘any form of bullying which takes place online or through smartphones and tablets’.
Like other forms of bullying, it is the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group.
To help prevent cyberbullying, we will ensure that pupils understand what it is and what to do if they become aware of it happening to them or others. We will work with pupils to understand how they can report any incidents and are encouraged to do so. We also support them to report occasions where they are a witness rather than the victim.
The school will actively discuss cyberbullying with pupils, explaining the reasons why it occurs, the forms it may take and what the consequences can be.
In relation to a specific incident of cyberbullying, staff will deal with this by following the processes set out in the school behaviour policy.
Our whole school approach to online safety is further supported by Safer Internet Day, which takes place each year. Children learn how to stay safe on the internet and are taught how to recognise any dangers. Useful information is also shared to remind children of what to do and who to talk to if they witness, or are victims of bullying online.
For further information about cyberbullying, please use the links below.
In today’s society, children, young people and adults interact with technologies such as mobile phones, games consoles and the internet on a daily basis and experience a wide range of opportunities, attitudes and situations. The exchange of ideas, social interaction and learning opportunities involved are greatly beneficial to all, but can occasionally place children, young people and adults in danger.
e-Safety covers issues relating to children and young people as well as adults and their safe use of the internet, mobile phones and other electronic communications technologies, both in and out of school.
Please use the resources below to find out more about how to support you child with e-safety.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Please click on the website link below for more information for advice about staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer.