Benedict - Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Bancroft


Miss Fann

EYFS & KS1 Lead

Mrs Bancroft - Class Teacher

Mrs Baldwin / Mrs Quereshi - Teaching Assistants

Key information can be found in our class folders. 

If you need anything further, please speak to one of us or contact the school office.

Thank you

st Benedict.PNG

Saint Benedict 

St. Benedict was a religious reformer who lived in Italy in the late 400s and early 500s. He is the patron saint of Europe.

During his life, Saint Benedict performed many miracles. He found water on a desolate mountaintop to quench the thirst of his monks.  In addition, he made Maurus walk on water to save the young Placidus from drowning. 




Benedict - Year 1: News items

There are no News items to display

Benedict - Year 1: Gallery items

Blackpool Class Trip, by Mrs Bancroft

Year 1 - Marvelous Math's, by Mrs Bancroft