Subject Leader - Miss Mercer
Early Reading and Phonics - Miss Fann
At St. Mary’s and St. Benedict’s Primary School we aim to develop pupils’ abilities within an integrated programme of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing. We strive for children to be literate and confident with a love of reading and writing to enable them to flourish as life-long learners.
We aim for every child to be able to: read easily, fluently and with good understanding; develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information; acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language; appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage; write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences; use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas; are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
We follow the Statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of English which are laid out in specific detail in the National Curriculum 2014.
The overarching aim for English in the National Curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. The national curriculum for
English aims to ensure that all pupils:
read easily, fluently and with good understanding
develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas
are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.
English Curriculum and Curriculum Maps

Our progressive English Curriculum sequences each unit from reading to writing. The children are immersed in rich quality texts, and identify the PALS (purpose, audience, language and structure) of the text and genre, to allow them to plan and write their own. The texts selected across school are progressive. Spoken language underpins all of the English curriculum with activities planned to give the children opportunities to develop and articulate their thinking, as well as some units having an oral end of unit outcome.
Here is a link to a page with each class' English Curriculum Map on.
Phonics and Handwriting Patter
It is recommended that when teaching letter formation, a phrase is used in order to embed the directionality. All adults who teach letter formation are encouraged to use the same approach as children learn effectively through repetition.
The Handwriting Patter chart provides an overview of the formation phrases linked to the Red Rose Letters and Sounds Planning Programme that we use in school.
In KS2 we have adopted a No-Nonsense Spelling Scheme to build upon the phonics skills obtained in EYFS and Key Stage 1. When children reach Year 3, we identify those children that may need extra support with Phonics and Spelling, and provide targeted intervention groups tailored to their needs.
Click here to access our phonics page.
We appreciate the vitality of pupils reading fluently when entering secondary school and promote a love of reading which underpins our curriculum, in addition to guided reading sessions throughout the week, across school. We hold high expectations towards reading at home which is reflected in our homework policy.
Reading milestones are celebrated across school with reading achievement displays, and children receive a free book when they have achieved 150 reads. There is also a weekly reader celebrated from each class in celebration assembly and a Year 6 end of year award for reading progress. Our classroom environments encourage a love for language, displaying a working wall that encourages the children to reflect on what has been taught alongside reading areas and class libraries, where we share books taken from our school central library. We subscribe to the Lancashire Library Service, exchanging books each year and ordering project loan boxes to support learning and reading. We also take part in the Lancashire Book Awards. At St. Mary's and St. Benedict's we recognise the importance of enjoying reading, and timetable 'reading for pleasure' time, as well as listening to a class-shared novel.
At St. Mary’s and St. Benedict’s we teach Guided Reading in the form of a workshop. Comprehension skills are developed in daily Guided Reading sessions as well as in the unit Reading phase. Children are given plenty of opportunities to respond to and reflect on the meaning of texts independently, in groups and in discussion with peers and adults. Children are questioned on a range of texts and asked a range of question types which focus on different domains including language and inference. Children are given opportunities for written responses depending on the age and ability of the children.
Our books are arranged progressively. Until children are secure at the end of Phase 5, books are organised to match the phonic phases. We use a Colour banding approach to organise our books in KS2.
Home Reading books
We understand the importance of early reading, so our home reading books are in line with the phonics taught in school to allow children to apply their phonics to reading at home.
In our Reception class, our children work within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, so our home reading books are closely matched to their Phonics Phase. These books have been rearranged so that they are in line with the Red Rose Phonics coverage for each phase until they are secure at the end of Phase 5. We use a range of different schemes, including the Phonics Bug Scheme and Oxford Reading Tree.
We strive to instil a love of writing in our children, so we aim to develop writing for pleasure. We introduce writing skills aimed at writing to entertain, persuade, inform and discuss. Teachers follow the teaching sequence from reading to writing as part of the phases of the Lancashire Planning Units. Writing includes modelled teacher writing, the teacher as the expert writer, actively composing a piece of writing in front of the children, and explicitly demonstrating the thought processes involved in planning, drafting and editing. There are also planned incidental writes during the reading phase to help children build up a stamina for writing. These skills are transferred and encouraged across subject areas. Children learn the effects of different vocabulary and are encouraged to use a wide range of vocabulary in their own writing.
The curriculum at St. Mary's and St. Benedict's has been designed to include a range of genres. Each year group works towards achieving the English Curriculum Objectives. All teachers have high expectations for their classes, and plan varied and interesting lessons to provide opportunities for children to reach their full potential.
SEND Pupils
For further information on how we cater for the needs of SEND pupils, please visit our SEND page and refer to our SEND policy.
English Events
Throughout the year we hold different English related events, for example, World Book Day and Roald Dahl Day. Every year we have a visit from the Library bus and hold Book Fairs to encourage a love of books and wider reading.
We are fortunate to have visits from the Lancashire Library Team who share books with our children and we also enjoy visits from local Authors. We celebrate other reading events from the reading calendar from LCC.
New class novels - signed Phil Earl books
World Book Day 2024:

Roald Dahl Day - our pupils celebrating a much loved author:

Reading areas within classrooms - being used by our pupils:

Lancashire Library Services Book Bus visit

Useful Documents: