We really appreciate all the help and support you give your child at home to support their learning in school. Your child will be given a number of tasks each week to complete at home. Please encourage and support them to complete each week:
- Daily reading - Your child will be sent home with two reading books which will be changed each week. We ask you to sign your child's reading record each time they read, even if they read a couple of pages at a time. We count your child's reads and reward them with certificates after 50 and 100 reads. When they have achieved 150 reads they will receive a free book in assembly! Children can earn 1 read per night, as long as their reading record has been signed.
- Spellings - Every Monday, your child will be given a list of words to learn at home. They will be rewarded for using these words in their writing and will be asked to try and recall them during their Phonic lessons. Please practise these spellings with your child during the week and encourage them to complete the sentences. Children will be rewarded for returning these sheets to their class teacher on the Friday after they have been handed out.
- Times tables - We encourage regular recall of number bonds to 10 and 20 and we will be practising these in class (number bonds = two numbers that add up to 10 or 20 e.g. 4 + 6 = 10). We are also focusing on our times tables x2, x5, x10 and we will be counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s in class from different starting points. Please support your child's times tables and number bonds at home in any way you can.
Our children are enjoying using White Rose Maths in class and we are pleased to tell you that an app has been released which comes highly recommended.
It consists of one minute challenges and games which can be used to support your child's maths development.
Please follow the link below to download the app:
Please follow the link below to our English curriculum page where you can find information on Phonics, early reading and English in our school.
Additional Resources
Please find websites below to further support your child at home.