Our children are enjoying using White Rose Maths in class and we are pleased to tell you that an app has been released which comes highly recommended. It consists of one minute challenges and games which can be used to support your child's maths development. Please follow the link to download the app.
Homework in Rigby Class:
- Daily reading for 15 minutes. You can read books of your choice as well as your home readers but remember to sign your diaries and number your reads so we can reward you! You'll receive a reward after every 25 reads and a free book when you reach 150! Each book read from in a day will count as a read.
- Weekly spellings – Copy the words out into your book to help learn them and practise writing them in a sentence to check that you understand their meaning. The spellings link to your lessons in school and consist of the sound or pattern of the week, along with some key word spellings. Remember, you could be creative and make posters and rhymes to help remember how to spell a word.
- Weekly times tables – Each week we will focus on a different times table but the homework overview will let you know which ones to practice. You can copy them out into your homework book, make flash cards, draw pictures/arrays to help you visualise the groups, try some of the suggested website games (especially TT Rockstars/Hit the Button) or recall them verbally.
You have been given a homework book to complete your spelling/times table tasks in. This book is for you to practice, and therefore you don’t need to hand your homework book in. Reading Records will be checked weekly and homework tests (spellings/times tables) will take place every Friday.
Many thanks,
Miss Mercer