
Homework in Woodcock Class

1. Daily Reading You can read books of your choice as well as your home readers but remember to sign your diaries and number your reads so we can reward you! You'll receive a reward after every 50 reads and a free book when you reach 150! Each book read from in a day will count as a read.

2. Spellings It is really important that you practise your spellings, which include words from the statutory Year 5 and 6 word list, spelling patterns linked to our No Nonsense Spelling scheme that we use in school, and words that are commonly spelt incorrectly in class work. You can find our weekly spelling lists in the folder below. 

3. Times Tables Keep revising your times tables at home each week, there will be a weekly challenge on TTRS. It is essential that you can recall your times tables quickly to help you with you will all of your maths work.  https://ttrockstars.com/

4. As we prepare our year 6 children for the next stage of their education, from October half term we will send home addtional homework. This will consist of: maths, reading comprehension and/or grammar, punctuation and spelling. 

Homework will be sent home on a Thursday to be returned to school by the following Thursday. 

Our children are enjoying using White Rose Maths in class and we are pleased to tell you that an app has been released which comes highly recommended. 

It consists of one minute challenges and games which can be used to support your child's maths development.

Please follow the link below to download the app.


Homework Website Links:



Files to Download