Information for Parents and Carers

Doors are opened at 8.45am for the children to make their own way into the classroom. 

Registration closes at 8.55am

Woodcock classroom door can be found at the far end of the KS2 playground.  

Home time is 3.15pm.

PE - Monday and Friday

General class information, and what is being covered this year in Woodcock Class, can be found on this page.

This is a link to the Marking and Feedback Policy.

This year we are continuing to deliver a programme called myHappymind. 

myHappymind is an award winning programme for schools & nurseries, families and organisations.

It teaches preventative habits that support positive mental health, resilience and self esteem.

Please look at the Poster and PowerPoint slides for more information


*For information on National Curriculum Tests (SATs), please see leaflets below*

Files to Download