Beesley- EYFS Unit: Gallery

The arrival of frogspawn in EYFS!, by Miss Fann

Date: 27th Feb 2024 @ 8:23am

The children in Barlow and Beesley class had a nice surprise when they arrived at school yesterday- the arrival of some frogspawn! The children are very excited about having them and so far have enjoyed observing the frogspawn in the tank. We have been talking about the different stages of the life cycle of a frog and went to our school library to find lots of books about frogs for us to look at. Some children have noticed some tails growing and moving already. We can't wait to see some more changes over the next few weeks...

Chinese New Year, by Miss Fann

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 12:17pm

This week the children in Beesley Class have been learning all about Chinese New Year. During 'Drawing Club' the children have been learning the Zodiac story and have created their own animal to take part in The Great Race. The children then went on to design a different race and finally created a potion to wake up the cat. 

2024 is the year of the dragon.Throughout the week the children have taken part in a range of different activities including; Mandarin number writing, creating their own individual dragons, making a class dragon from their handprints, junk modelling dragons and food tasting. We have had lots of fun learning all about Chinese New Year! 

Making igloos, by Miss Fann

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:33pm

Over the past few weeks, the children in Beesley Class have been exploring the Arctic. The children have been looking at the animals that live in the Arctic and have been looking at photographs to compare it with our local area, Bamber Bridge. The children noticed how many different types of buildings are in Bamber Bridge and we talked about where people may take shelter from the cold in the Arctic. This led to our exploration of igloos. The children worked together to use the junk modelling materials to create their igloos. The children have been looking at joining by exploring using different types of glue and tape. We found that some types of glue were better at joining materials such as cardboard with another material, whereas some types wouldn't allow the materials to join. The children have started to decorate their igloos and have started to use different textures on their models.

Once the igloos have dried the children are looking forward to putting them in the Small World Area of our classroom and using them in their play. A fantastic example of the children building for a purpose!

Elsa visits Beesley Class!, by Miss Fann

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 9:50am

The children of Beesley class were shocked to see that Elsa had paid a visit to their classroom and, not only that, Elsa had used her magical powers and frozen all of the animals! The children had a go at exploring the ice talking about how it felt to touch and what it looked like. The children shared their ideas about how they thought the animals could be rescued. Some of the children's ideas included; "smash the ice", "put water on it" and "get an ice hammer." As a class we then talked about freezing and melting. We explored what happened when we held the ice in our hands and noticed that some of it melted into water. 

The children were then given the challenge to rescue the animals from the ice. It was fantastic to see the children share their ideas and exploring throughout the challenge.

We are pleased to say that the children managed to rescue all of the animals.Well done Beesley Class! Great teamwork! 

Winnie the Pooh Day 2024, by Miss Fann

Date: 22nd Jan 2024 @ 5:18pm

On Thursday 18th January 2024 it was Winnie the Pooh Day! The children in Beesley class celebrated by listening to lots of Winnie the Pooh stories and had a go at a range of different Winnie the Pooh activities. These included matching the character pairs,role- playing the stories using character puppets, creating a map of Hundred Acre Wood and in the creative areas the children explored creating the different characters using a range of different materials. 

Winter Walk, by Miss Fann

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 2:29pm

The children in Beesley Class have been exploring the season of Winter. Firstly, we looked at the seasonal changes from Autumn to Winter. The children then got dressed to explore the surrounding school environment. We discussed the importance of staying warm and put on our coats and any hats, gloves or scarves we had. We explored Forest School and saw some berries, holly, some ice and bare trees. 


The children then went onto the playground and had a go at breaking the ice. We had lots of fun!

Drawing Club, by Miss Fann

Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:15pm

Beesley class have started 'Drawing Club' this week focusing on the book 'Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? Have a look at our fabulous creations.

We have really enjoyed creating our new codes and learning lots of new vocabulary!

Beesley Class visit Church, by Miss Fann

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 2:11pm

Beesley class went for a tour of our Church by our governor, Fran. 

Advent Wreath, by Miss Fann

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 10:40am

After our visit to Church the children in Beesley Class made their own Advent Wreaths to celebrate Advent. 

Remembrance Day, by Miss Fann

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 10:37am

The children in Beesley Class have been taking part in a range of different activities for Remembrance Day.