Rigby - Year 4: Gallery

Creating 3D Sculptures, by Ms Patel

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 7:22am

The children have been looking at abstract art and created 3D models using a range of folding and joining techniques. 

Black History Month - Harriet Tubman, by Ms Patel

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 6:57am

As part of Black History Month, the children learnt about Harriet Tubman and her role in the Underground Railroad Movement. The children also learnt how regular people helped the slaves travel from one place to another without getting caught and how they used secret codes to learn the route from one place to another. The children created a 'Freedom Quilt' based on the codes the slaves would have used to escape from their masters. 



Designing and Making a Light Source, by Ms Patel

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 7:25am

The children in Rigby have applied their learning from Science in their D.T lesson. They designed and created a light source at would be suitable for a child to use in Forest School. They then applied their learning from their Science lessons by creating a simple circuit that could go inside their light source. The children then took it into Forest School to observe and evaluate whether their prototype would be suitable to use. 

Pen License Awards, by Ms Patel

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 11:45am

Congratulations to the children who have earned their pen licenses!

Judaism Week, by Ms Patel

Date: 4th Oct 2023 @ 10:33am

The children in Rigby class have been studying the religion of Judaism. In particular, they have been looking at the Torah and the importance of it to the Jewish faith and why the Bar and Bat Mitzwah is important to young Jewish people. 

Science Investigation - Conductor or insulator?, by Ms Patel

Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 7:52am

As part of their Science topic on 'Electricity', the children were challenged to investigate which everyday objects such as coins, rubbers etc could conduct electricity. They used their knowledge from last week's lesson on complete series circuits to help them with the investigation. This helped the children to learn the difference between conductors and insulators.

Reading Champions - Gold Award, by Ms Patel

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 12:36pm

Reading is very important at St Mary's and St Benedict's Roman Catholic Primary School. It helps to:

  • Stimulate imaginations
  • Helps build vocabulary
  • Helps to develop language skills
  • Helps to develop comprehension skills
  • Encourages a love for reading

Congratulations to the children who have reached 150 reads! 

Reading Champions - Silver Award, by Ms Patel

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 12:35pm

Reading is very important at St Mary's and St Benedict's Roman Catholic Primary School. It helps to:

  • Stimulate imaginations
  • Helps build vocabulary
  • Helps to develop language skills
  • Helps to develop comprehension skills
  • Encourages a love for reading

Congratulations to the children who have reached 100 reads!

Reading Champions - Bronze Award, by Ms Patel

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 8:03am

Reading is very important at St Mary's and St Benedict's Roman Catholic Primary School. It helps to:

  • Stimulate imaginations
  • Helps build vocabulary
  • Helps to develop language skills
  • Helps to develop comprehension skills
  • Encourages a love for reading

Congratulations to the children who have reached 50 reads!

Dragon's Den, by Miss Mercer

Date: 18th Sep 2023 @ 2:19pm

The children worked in groups to invent their own product that cannot be found in any shops. They linked it to their explanation topic in English to explain to the members of the Dragon's Den how the inventions work and to convince them to invest in their product. 



Creating circuits, by Ms Patel

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 6:48am

As part of their Electricity topic, the children worked in pairs to create series circuit. We discussed any misconception and applied their learning to everyday life.

Roald Dahl Day, by Ms Patel

Date: 12th Sep 2023 @ 7:30am

The children took part in activities to celebrate Roald Dahl Day. They looked at the story 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and used it as inspiration to design their own potions and they also designed alternative book covers for their favourite Roald Dahl Book.

Music lessons, by Ms Patel

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 9:57am

The children in Rigby class have been taking part in music lessons with Ms Bradley from the National Schools’ Singing Programme.

Our Reading Corner, by Ms Patel

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 9:52am

First Week in Year 4, by Ms Patel

Date: 3rd Sep 2023 @ 12:59pm